27 March 2015

The Three Sisters. A Legend from Australia.

Keeping with this Term's focus of Our Story, Our Culture, we have been looking at different cultures.  This week Mrs Smith showed us a video of The Three Sisters.  A Legend from Australia.  After we watched the story, there was discussion about where The Three Sisters are in Australia.  This lead to further discussion about Aboriginal art.  This style of art is largely made up of dots.  Many of the dots within the painting symbolise places, people and objects.  These paintings tell the story of The Three Sisters legend through the eyes of Room 11 artists.  Enjoy!

Self Portraits

Room 11artists worked hard on their pencil sketched self portraits.
Our focus was *size...using our paper space effectively.
                        *placement...where the features of our face go.
                        * detail...eyes, lips and hair details
Well done Room 11.  I'm proud of your work and you all look gorgeous!

Tri Kids Day 3

Tri Kids Day 2

Tri Kids Day 1

This week Room 11 experienced how it would feel to do a triathlon...swim, bike, run!  It was so much fun. :)