27 July 2014

Term 3, 2014

This term our concept is...
Heros and Heroines
Our Enduring Understandings and Essential Questions are...

The last of Enquiry sharing.

Kayley shares her water filter inquiry

Kayley filtered that dirty water to clean!  We couldn't believe our eyes.  What a great filter!

Sophia shared her inquiry focusing on how a candle needs oxygen to burn.  If you put a jar over a candle surrounded by water, the water gets sucked up and the flame goes out.
Very interesting, Sophia.

Dom and Sariah show the class how different colours mixed together create new colours.
Awesome work, Dom!

Riley shares his poster about the floating ping pong balls :).

Boston looked at how a ping pong ball can float.  The changes in air pressure pushing against each other cause the ball to float in the air stream of a hair dryer.

 Boston gives us a demo with the his helper, Daniel.

Damien shares with us his poster showing the changing states of water.

Manny changed the colour of a foam ball from white to multi-coloured. 

Caleb shared his poster showing how crystals are formed.

Lily shares her poster showing her inquiry into what happens to lollies frozen in water.   They looked great frozen in ice but didn't taste so great after they had defrosted!  A wee bit soggy...
Thanks, Lily!