16 February 2014

Turangawaewae Immersion Activity

Our Turangawaewae on PhotoPeach

Here is a collection of the immersion activity's photos.  The coloured sashes children are wearing  represent their whanau colour.  We are wearing green which represents Rimu whanau.  

Immersion Activity

To begin our Term's Topic, Turangawaewae, the whole school gathered on the courts where a map of the world was drawn in chalk.  We all had a footprint on which we wrote our Turangawaewae, the place we feel connected to.  Everyone made their way to stand on the country they identify as their Turangawaewae.  Here is a photo to show you how we are connected to different places in our world.

13 February 2014

 Welcome to Room 15's Blog for 2014!
 I hope you all had a fabulous Christmas break!  
Now let the fun begin!!
You can expect to see lots of photos and examples of our learning featured throughout the year. 
Please feel free to leave comments. :)

 Our topic this term is: