29 June 2013

Maui and the sun.

Here are a couple of recounts.
Come into Room 15 to read more!

Wacky Hair Day!

Wacky hair AND funny faces!  If you feel like a giggle you might like to see our wacky hair day efforts.  All for a good cause!  We raised over $400 for St John's. :)

25 June 2013

Taonga Tagxedo

Here are some great images depicting Taonga that we created in one of our ICT sessions.  
First we brainstormed words that Taonga means to us then we published them using 'Tagxedo' on the internet.  
Fun and effective don't you think?

12 June 2013

Cross Country!

Are we ready 6 year old girls?!

6 year old boys are excited.

Lucy and Ruby ready with the 7 year olds.

The girls line up.

Logan's in the lead!

Go Nathan!

...round the corner...

Today we had our cross country races!  Everyone was very excited and the weather wasn't too bad.  :)
Congratulations to Logan who came first in the boys 6 year old race and Pharrell came in 4th.  Good on you boys!  Congratulations to Paulynne who came 3rd in the girls 6 year old race!  Well done to all of you for participating!  Well done.  :) 

Photosynth Panorama of the parents.

Thanks to all the parents who braved the 
drizzle to watch the runners today!