29 May 2013

Mother's Day

We started Term 2 by celebrating our Mums! 
 A special Taonga to each of us.  It was also a great opportunity  to use the ICT suite.  We worked in pairs  using 'Wordle' to publish our adjectives to describe our Mums.

27 May 2013

Term 2

Term 2 is underway with our Topic this term being Taonga/Treasure.  

Enduring Understandings.

A Taonga is a gift, belief or belonging that is treasured. 
Our world is a taonga from God.
The gifts of the Holy Spirit are taonga from God.

Essential Questions.

What makes something a taonga?
How do our beliefs influence what we choose to value as taonga?
How can we honour taonga?

Whakatauki - Proverb
Ahakoa he iti he pounamu
Although it is small, it is greenstone

23 May 2013

Term 1 Swimming

Swimming was a highlight for the first 5 weeks of Term 1.  
All of Room 15's students participated well and had fun while on the job!

Our Lady of Tenderness

Enjoy a feast for your eyes.  In Term 1 children from Room 15 created art based on an icon of 
Our Lady of Tenderness.

16 May 2013

Term 1's Wild Creations

An activity from Term 1.  We had such fun with this Build Your Wild Self website. Check out the Wild Creations children in Room 15 made in April. :)

13 May 2013

Room 15's Stars!

Our Blog is finally up and running!
Introducing the stars of Room 15 :)